Tuesday 12 August 2014


Who am I?

Greetings fellow human!

My name is Rob and I live in Ireland.
 A small island country, on the western edge of Europe.
I cannot say I am any one thing ,and so, to fully answer the question "who am I?", is to give my lifes story.
That is actually an interesting story, even to one who has lived an uncommon life( I may one day share that story with you here). I would think any other who cared to share their story, would yield some interesting surprises too.

For the most part, I am an introvert and an intuitive. These things have not ever changed and they are quite dominant traits in my personality.
I am in my early to mid thirties as I write this beginning post, of my first and only blog.
Over the past 4 or so years, I have been forced to come to terms with many things that have enabled me to reflect on myself and life, in a way that brought irreversible changes in my thinking and perception of people, reality and so many other things.
I will say I have a wealth of experience with depression and illness. Just those two factors in my life alone have made an impact so strong, I am very much defined by it.
Between that and other experiences in my past and future dreams too, I have become very much interested in learning and improving.
It should be noted maybe, that I am fairly sure I have at least two different types of dyslexia.
The regular commonly known type, where I mix up letters and numbers. But also another type called auditory dyslexia, where I have major issues listening to someone speak and thinking at the same time.
The former may affect my typing on this blog. I must constantly reread my posts everywhere and fix typos. So I will do my best to keep it tidy.

I have a great love right now for philosophy. In the past I was a lover of psychology and NLP(Neuro Linguistic Programming).
Reading and writing seems to be in my blood. Up until this moment, my main form of online communication and writing, has been through forums.
Philosophy, Psychology, Conspiracy Theories, Anthropology, Game Design, Humanities are the forum tabs I have saved on my browser for quick access every day.
So this should give a rough idea of where I am at right now :)

Why did I make this blog?

I have had enough....
There are too many people suffering from themselves. I cannot help them all.
But I see them as I walk the streets. I see them online. I do not have time or energy to befriend and lead out of the same darkness I once lived.
This blog is an attempt to express myself and share my ideas and perceptions on many things. I have no clear goals. I want to share myself, in the hopes others will begin to consider things anew and open for themselves new doors.
That is my greatest desire maybe! To give everyone the key to themselves. To master themselves. To free the bonds of slavery. I am and will always be a student of life, I don't claim to have all the answers.
In fact, I would more likely claim that nothing is true and nothing is false and so is everything else :D
But I can be sure I have an opinion ;)
And that will change with many things as I open new doors for myself.

I hope you find this blog of use. If nobody does at all, I will have enjoyed expressing myself as a form of therapy and meditation. This is my diary I suppose. Those things I ponder and want to get out, which I hope will make people think and question. I don't enjoy agreement for it's own sake and I don't enjoy arguement when it is not with an open heart and mind.
 I enjoy honest curiosity and an intellectual challenge to my perception of reality and all things there in.

The greatest question we can ask ourselves is "Why?".
Remember that. It's very important!


  1. Life is an ever changing road. Having a desire to share what you learn from your own journey is admirable. Everyone has something that is worth sharing.

  2. Very true. Some of the most unlikely people can teach us the strangest lessons.
    I have learned just as much from those who are deemed lesser, as I have from those who are held in high esteem.
